Portable Systems
Pump unit, main pipe and laterals are portable in this system.
Semi Portable Systems
Pump unit and main pipeline are fixed, and laterals are portable in this system.
Non-portable (Fixed) Systems
Pump, main pipe, and laterals are fixed in this system.
Sprinkler irrigation methods are widely preferred, where labor is expensive, because they require less labor. Semi-portable and fully fixed systems are preferred more and more in nowadays, because labor costs are constantly increasing.
Main components such as pipelines, and sprinkler heads of sprinkler irrigation systems have been significantly changed recently. The cost has been lowered, and the system has become practical thus, their use is generalized. Sprinkler heads are of greatest importance in sprinkler irrigation system. High capacity sprinkler heads (Big Guns) with high wetting capacity are widely preferred. These are very good at medium and high operating pressures. Low pressure applications may damage delicate plants. Nozzle diameters of medium size sprinkler heads are ranged between 8 to 12mm, and their wetting diameters between 15 to 25 mm. Such heads are widely used in the irrigation of field crops, vegetable gardens and orchards. Nozzle diameters of large size sprinkler heads can be ranged between 12 to 28mm, and wetting diameter between 25 to 55mm. Such heads are mainly used in the irrigation of field crops by medium and large sized enterprises.
Operating pressure is the pressure required at the nozzle. Losses due to leakage and friction can be controlled by calculating the pressure differences between the manometers at the pump outlet and the distant sprinkler head. Valves can be installed at the beginnings of lateral pipelines, in systems the main pipelines, of which are embedded in the ground. In addition to these, connection pieces such as T, bend, reduction, and pipe stopper are also used. Saving energy or using more sprinkler heads with the same energy is possible by using pipes with the largest possible diameters, minimizing friction loss.